Friday, May 11, 2007

Devon's Contest

My "hostess" for the dishcloth swap has come up with a contest questionnaire, so here are my answers:
-What is one baked item you love making or buying and why?
Brownies. Fun to buy, fun to make. (Boxed, natch - I'm not Martha Stewart! But I do like adding vanilla, cinnamon, or ginger to the mix; this makes them taste less "boxy".)
-What is one item you love to knit and why?
Right now, my favorite item is dishcloths. I get distracted on larger projects, and the cloths only take a day or two.
-Favorite outdoor activity and why?
Photography. I'm not much of an outdoor person, but when I venture out, I almost always have my digital camera with me.
-Favorite way to relax?
Knitting something mindless while my fiance watches TV. Doesn't sound very exciting, but it works for us. :)


Devonshire said...

Thanks for answer Shannon! Check back for part 2!

Anonymous said...

Hello Shannon,
It is your Dish-Pal...Guess what? I got tagged and now...SO HAVE YOU!!! Yes, that's correct, You have been TAGGED...please go to my blog for further instructions...enjoy the fun! J