Thursday, April 26, 2007

My favorite thing about summer...

... is watching the cats enjoy being outside in the sunshine. When they're basking, they're much more likely to pose for the camera.

I took a picture of one of the boys and made a jigsaw puzzle out of it on

Click to Mix and Solve
Not that I'm biased or anything, but that's pretty much the cutest cat puzzle in the world.

I'm a bit slow with the pictures, but good news on the DPN-learning front: After a cup cozy, I made a sock! I will post with pictures (and more bragging, natch) in a day or two.


country girl said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I've been at it for about 18 months and am always learning things about people and myself. I'm also a knitter; I have lots of unfinished products. I love your cat puzzle. I'm also a jigsaw puzzle and cat person. This was the perfect combination.

sara said...

It's funny how cats seem to go along with knitters, quilters, painters and other such persons. They are so much more serene than dogs, even when playing madly with stuffed mice at 4 am, which my baby cat often does--on my bed of course.

Love your cat puzzle. Wish you'd make some more.


Shannon said...

Thank you both for the compliments! :) That site is definitely addictive, so I'll probably be making more puzzles soon. :D

Devonshire said...

That is way too cute! Don't you just love cats?