I've discovered that I have a few limitations, especially when it comes to wrapping string around sticks.
A Few Things I Can't Do While Knitting:
• Make my cats stop trying to eat each others' ears. It's like they think cat ears are fuzzy popsicles or something.
• Carry on a decent conversation while trying to read a pattern. Sure, I can carry on conversations that sound like "Hey, how are you doing? Crap, hang on a second: what line am I on? Where am I - oh, CRAP. Hang on, lemme figure out what I'm doing here..." but nobody wants to hear that.
• Watch The Riches. Every time I try, I end up switching needles and knitting the wrong way for a few rows.
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lol, why do people do this to us..lol
on the ocmment on my blog as I couldn't find your email..about the beaded stitch markers..go here
http://crochetoholic.blogspot.com/ as Debb has a nice write up on the difference with knit/crochet stich markers..Thanks for the comment :)
Hope your able to get your brothers afghan done, lime green would be great with the black..lol
LOL Shannon, I don't know what any of this means. I guess I need to start reading.. I'd love to get a pic of mine that I have saved in my computer and fix it and put it together as one of pictures that are sent daily...but I don't know how I found your spot put I will not loose it. The more I read what you wrote the more I got confused...but like tonight, I am so tired to read instrucktions . Anyway..that wasn't as easy an I thought it would be..lol...I will read more later. now let me see if I can figure out how to do things...and whats this about knit, crochet, and stick markers ..hahaha..like ok...lol. hope to learn soon..Thanks Donna
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