Thursday, August 9, 2007

And posting will commence in 5.. 4.. 3...

I've got so much stuff to write about. All wedding plans are being delayed until we can fix everything wrong with the trailer... it's basically a pile of crap with walls. Argh, so frustrating! And don't get me started on the heat. No, really. It's freakin' hot.

I also have knitting to talk about! Not much, but some. I love hats now! But I'm currently on a sock... I knitted one right before this that messed all up, but the second sock is going fine, I'm almost to the decreasing-for-the-toe part and all is great so far, so I'm going to make another sock to match it. I want to get good because I'm making K a pair for his wedding present. He picked out the yarn himself (SWS in Natural Denim), and I'm hoping to make them from the Thuja pattern on Knitty.

This would be so much better with pictures. I'll remedy that soon.

1 comment:

SissySees said...

Welcome back! SWS for a sock?? Can't wait to hear more.